Friday, February 27, 2015

Adipose Tissue Location In The Body


Adipose tissue is a specialized connective tissue in the body which is the major storage of energy in the form of triglycerides deposition. Adipose is ordinarily found in mammals as two dissimilar forms such as white and brown adipose tissues. Depending upon the species of mammals the amount and location of the tissue varies. Most of the fat tissues fall under the white type which is placed in varied organs and varied parts in the body.

Adipose Tissue Location In The Body

In human beings, this tissue is found at manifold locations; it is placed beneath the skin as subcutaneous fat, surrounding internal organs as visceral fat, inside bones as bone marrow or yellow bone marrow and also in breast. Definite locations of such layers are referred to as adipocytes depots. These depots are a stockroom of adipose tissue that contains several cell types; the top ration of cells is adipocytes that contain fat droplets. Some other cells along with fibroblasts, macrophages and endothelial cells are also a part of this tissue along with a amount of tiny blood vessels. As the integument law includes the skin that accumulates in the deepest level of the subcutaneous layer, adipose tissue is formed beneath the skin and provides insulation to the body from heat and cold.

It acts as a protective padding colse to all vital organs in the body. Though its major function is to retain lipids, it also acts as the main source of energy by synthesizing lipids to fulfill the needs of the individual. Obese persons are seen with more amount of adipose in their body. Excessive tissues are seen hanging downward from the abdomen and also known as a panniculus. Sometimes to remove such fats, surgeries are needed. The abdomen has a layer of adipocytes known as visceral and intra abdominal fat. The internal fat protects stomach, liver, intestines and kidneys by forming protective layers inside the body. Breast fat is also a type of white adipose tissue that helps in formation of milk during pregnancy with help of oxytocin hormone and helps the mother to nourish the infants. In human, excess fats are accumulated in the abdominal, hip and also in the thoracic regions.

In dissimilar mammals, adipocytes are also found; in mice they are found inside the abdominal layers and cavity forming several depots inside the body. Even colse to the uterus and ovaries, it forms a layer of fat filled mass providing protection. Brown adipose tissues are densely packed mitochondria and also found in varied locations in mammals. As such tissues are good in vasuclarization, in hibernating animals they help in regulating body climatic characteristic through non-shivering thermogenesis.

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