Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to Pack for Older Kids

Sadly to say, I do not have any little ones any more. I am not really complaining. I love having my firs but I do miss having toddlers running all over the place. My youngest is 7 and fully independent. Well she thinks she is. So when we head out, I have a whole different game plan. There is no stroller to help out but thankfully there are kids. Both my 7 and 11 year old are big enough to help out.

The night before we head out for a trip, I usually prepare a back pack for my girls. This bag contains hand sanitizer and tissues just in case. If we are going far, I will include a few bandages for an emergency. In the morning, my girls are allowed to pick a snack or two. I like them to be independent so they do this according to what they are in the mood for. I also try to have some healthy snacks handy so they make a good choice.

Some of the snacks my girls enjoy taking on trips include raisins, apples, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, pickles, cucumbers, grapes, and cheerios.

Some snacks I take for myself and wish my girls would take include peaches, nectarines, and prunes.

As a caution, although both my girls and I love bananas, they are not so fun to travel with. They tend to bruise fast and leave a mushy mess.

After the snacks are packed, it is time for water. I am grateful that my girls are big water drinkers so I have to pack lots of water. If we go for a full day outing, I will pack a few extra waters in my bag just in case. Better safe then sorry.

Although I miss my girls being in the baby stage being wheeled around in a stroller, in a way it is easier that they can help out. Since they are packing their own individual bags, they know what they have and how to pace themselves. It is really cute. My 7 year old loves her backpack while my 11 year old is starting to grow up. Apparently the backpack phase it to little for her so she uses pocket books. What ever the case may be, heading out with older kids has many positive possibilities to it.

When you take your kids out, what are some of there must haves?

I will start this off:
For my 11 year old, it is a pack of gum.
For my 7 year old, it is her special dolls.

for details click below

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