Monday, March 9, 2015

Rock n Learn the Human Body DVD

When it comes to science, so many parents have a theory of what they feel is more important to stress. Some parents teach their kids physics while others stress astronomy. For me, I am more into Biology. It might be because my mother was a biologist but I think there is more to it. We are all human. We all have a human body. I feel the best way to protect and better care for your body is to understand it more.

rock n learn educational dvd the human body
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Human Body

Rock n Learn


This DVD is all about the Human Body. This DVD is really interesting. It actually starts off with a cute joke. My 7 year old did not get it but it is geared for older kids. This really got my 11 year old to sit down and watch. 

Human Body is a well organized movie starting with a brief introduction to all the systems. I this this is really important for kids to have a base understating that the human body has multiple individual sections that all work together and yet individually to help you function as a whole.

After the kids hear the big science rearms like the circulatory system, it is time to see and understand what each system is all about. For my girls, their favorite part was the Alimentary Canal. The characters took a trip down the digestive system to get a better understanding on how it worked. 

I really like how through this DVD, they are using big words along with small words. I know not all kids will fully understand this yet, but it will open doors for learning later on. For example when they talked about the heart, they mentioned the ventricles and atrium. I always use big words around my girls and I think the more they hear, the better they will understand later on. 

Check out this clip to see more.

Funny Story:

I am sorry to take up your time, but I have to share this story. My 7 year old is in first grade and is always watching her 11 year old study for big tests. The other day, she picked up the Human Body DVD and brought it to me and said "hurry up, I need to study now. I need to learn the Human Body" I laughed so hard, she was lucky I was sitting down.

Bottom Line:

If the above story is not convincing enough then I am not sure what is. This DVD is really fun and educational. It will get kids excited about learning the Human Body. It is a great introduction to get kids excited about learning. It will open the door to many more questions later on.

I got Human Body from Rock n Learn in exchange for my review. All reviews are mine and was not influenced by outside sources. To better connect with Rock n Learn follow: Facebook, Twitter

As an added bonus, (just in time for the holidays) Rock n Learn is offering 25% off your entire order by using coupon code: KR8822

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. Click Human Body to purchase. 
for details click below

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