Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reading Now

Currently,I have been reading Chemical Equations from Chemistry (That is what we have in Syllabus) and the only part it is confusing is the state of the products formed. For eg. MgO (Solid) + H2O(Liquid) = Mg(OH)2 (Solid) whereas CaO(Solid) + H2O(Liquid) = Ca(OH)2 (Aqueous). In Physics,we are having Electricity this time and its good but again,its confusing sometimes about calculating equivalent resistances by looking at the given figures,I mean its sometimes confusing to understand where the Current Path gets divided. In Biology,we have Life Processes (Digestion,Nutrition etc.). In Maths,we have Real Numbers,Polynomials and Linear Equations in Two Variables - The last one has so much and so much of Algebra (Oh so happy about that).And so,let me go and read,the first part of the session is very tough.Ill have to try.
for details click below

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