Wednesday, March 18, 2015



Dear friends

The reason for selecting the topic is there is a saying  "suddham choru podum" which I feel 100% correct. If we are neat, we will get fed. Neatness brings a gracious look to our homes.

I could always see an Old  lady  staying near our house doing some cleaning, mostly with brooms. She is a widower for the past more than 2 decades and living alone though she has well settled children and grandchildren. Gardening too makes the premises neat. I try to use my spare times for maximum possible cleaning and gardening. It is a cultivated habit. Let me go in to cleaning.

1. Coconut brooms

The earliest cleaning equipment is broom made out of coconut leaves. The central stem of the healthy and long leaves is used to make the broom. Mostly while coconuts are plucked thandan will cut 3 or 4 outer matals also from the tree from which the leaves are taken. Removing the leaves from the stem is an art. The stem is called Eerkil in Malayalam. Broom is called "Chool" and in Tamil " Thudappam.

After getting sufficient stems, which could well hold with in Hand, arranged for length, bottom is trimmed and tied firmly with a string. The other end is also trimmed.

These coconut brooms could not be replaced with any other substitute so far. All houses irrespective of its posh ness require one broom with in house. With all granite, marble, and fine tiles, to kill insects like Pazhuthara (Pooran), Cockroach etc which make sudden appearance, every body search for coconut brooms rather than for cleaning!!!

Lengthy Coconut brooms were once the cleaning equipment inside. Now too in houses with cement flooring coconut broom is used for cleaning. When it gets somewhere and tear after a months use it is used to clean out side and when 30% worn out it is called Kutti chool. This is used for cleaning compound and out side.

Today the kuttichool find its application in cleaning compounds, water tank, and sumps in the house.

Builders for all there use the fresh coconut brooms with a good trimming cleaning works. In practice 70% of the coconut workers use brooms and now if we require a coconut broom, we have to go to Hardware shop mostly.

 2. Flower broom (Poomthudappam)

These types of brooms are made from the flowers with long stems of a variety of Palmirah type tree. It has its origin in Maharashtra and widely available in Chennai. It comes with convenient length, and best suited for polished floors like Granite and Marble and tiles.

This broom sweeps away the tiny dusts too. However the lacuna is it cannot be used for outside compound cleaning or street cleaning or even more wastes areas like a marriage hall. The flower broom will simply break. The life period is approximately three months. Once used it has to be thrown away.

The broom is available in different forms. The one fixed with wooden handle and flowers stitched to bottom fitting is more suitable for offices, shops, hospitals etc.

3. Fibre brooms

For toilet cleaning an experimented model of fibre brooms are available. It looks neat and tidy but suitable only for bathroom. It is lengthy and only about 2 feet in length.

4. Chooral brooms

The brooms made by using split choral for cleaning fitted with long handle and stitched to bottom of a handle and spreaded for above one foot is mostly used by Muncipal workers to remove rough objects from the streets put as waste from our houses. Though costly, it is convenient and some times available in shops also.

5. Fibre brooms with long handle for cleaning

In markets now a day available fibre brooms with long handle, fibre fitted in a similar fashion like choral broom. I have purchased this for use, but found not as good as choral broom.

6. Fibre and Nylon brushed brooms

In markets now a day available fibre and Nylon bushed brooms with long handle, Brush made to size of 8"x 2" is fitted to a long handle. I have purchased this for use, and found excellent for granite, marble and tiled floorings. When lady servant is not available I make use of it. But it can be used only for cleaning floor. Not for lofts or cupboards.

7. Universal coconut broom

Like universal port and adapter of my laptop, coconut broom find application every where. Good quality coconut brooms can be used in granite flooring also.

8. What broom used before sage Viswamithra

I have read coconut tree is the invention of sage Viswamithra. Before him generations were there. I get a doubt what was the material used earlier to him.

9. Keeping brooms

Though broom is doing all cleaning, still broom is a favour of Alakshmi. Alakshmi is the elder sister of Lakshmi. Lakshmi appeared along with nectar. Alakshmi appeared along with Kalakooda poison. Keeping brooms in the front of house is felt inauspicious. Normally brooms are kept by the inner side of door in work area for inside use and at the back side for outside use.

Some keep broom inside a shelf below wash basin.

10. Alakshmi in House

Whatever it is one good quality coconut broom will be available in a convenient access position. There is saying there is no Lekshmi with out Alekshmi. Suddham is there if asuddham is cleared. Darkness getting cleared is light. We have to make some provision for Alekshmi also every where.

11. Cobweb stick

Cobweb stick is a close cousin of broom. To remove the cobweb it is essential and no house can be with out having co web. Earlier cobweb stick was sold through streets. It is normally made out of coconut fibre fitted to top of a bamboo stick. Now a day fibre has changed to nylon and stick has changed to aluminum with flexibility of adjusting length. This is more handy and nice looking comparing to old model. But it is more fragile.

12. Muram

Muram is an essential item. However it is of two types One for spreading things for drying. Normally chillies, dhalls, etc for drying are kept on it. This type of muram square in shape and made of cut Panambu or chooral is made use by sasthrikals too. For many samskaras this type of muram is essential.

It is the other type, smaller and one side slope is used for cleaning. Now a day this type of muram is available in plastic, fibre and metal. The metal ones made steel are the best. Next come fibre type. The waste cleaned with brooms has to be taken in Muram for taking to out side. Hence Muram is an essential companion with broom. One special broom and muram has to be kept, inside, best being in our new houses in the cabin below wash basin.

13. Sakunam and direction

Both Muram and broom are bad omen. There is a saying brooms should not be grouped. Quarrels will be there in the house. Muram also should not be kept slanting.

But irrespective of position of Muram and broom, quarrels do occur in a family. It is because of Alekshmi. These aggravate the quarrels. So it is preferable to keep them separate and not slanting the muram.

14. Dust bin and mop.

In olden days the dustbin idea was not there. Moping was done with cloth. Now ready made mops are available in shops. Dust bins of different models also. We make now day rooms neat by keeping waste things in waste box. The municipality collects waste and dispose, in Chennai. Every day they come in morning, collect wastes and they are given a monthly charge.

15. Keeping cleaning items

Now a day with flat system and neat houses, where to keep these things is and make an asthetic look is a problem. Bed rooms, dining rooms, Halls are barred to keep these. The only area is work area, which too now our women want to keep neat to look. The mop, cobweb stick, outside cleaning and tank cleaning coconut brooms… If outside has to look neat, then where to keep these cleaning items? ….

I have made a cup board in the 1st floor below a stair case. It has partially solved the problem. But it is inconvenient every time to go , open and take and specially keep back.

for details click below

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